We carefully select our suppliers for the continuity of our service quality.
Our Expectations From The Suppliers
- To comply with the general purchase conditions.
- To comply with the high food safety criteria.
- To satisfy our company’s needs and our customers’ expectations in the fields of quality, cost and delivery.

The Supplier Election
We use the methods of tendering and tendering with market research for the supplier election.
To Go Out The Tender
- Our Purchasing Department send a specification, which is relevant to the material group in the tender, to the suppliers and the supplier candidates, the tenders compliance with the specifications are analysed.
- The bids are analysed.
- We start to work with the supplier which gives the most suitable offer for our corporate mentality, customers’ expectations and needs.
Receiving Tenders From The Market
- Our Purchasing Department receives tenders from the open market without initiating a tender.
- We start to work with the supplier which gives the most suitable offer for our corporate mentality, customers’ expectations and needs.
The Supplier Audit
- Our Purchasing and Quality Assurance Department audits the suppliers at regular intervals on the premises. Compliance audits are made.
- Our Quality Assurance Department audits the products which come from the suppliers. These department makes product analysis when needed.
- Our Production Department makes the cooking and quality tests. It records feedbacks. It adds the suitable products and suppliers to the “approved vendor (supplier) list”.