13 Steps To System Management
Raw Material Control
- To carry ISO 22000 Food Safety System into effect successfully.
- To consider the purchase criteria of the Turkish Food Codex.
- To make purchase from the suppliers which have the food safety certificate.
- To inspect the place of production over the course of the supplier selection.
- To request product analysis results from suppliers.
- To request the veterinary report and the vehicle disinfection document from suppliers over the course of fresh meat purchase.
- To consider suitability for Islamic rules.
General Storing Rules
- To store in a suitable storage and temperature with considering the kind of the product.
- To inform employees about storage usage rules.
Food Safety Rules of Good Manufacturing Practises
- To specify critical control points in the kitchen, to make hazard analysis and to take precautions for a food safety of % 100.
- To consider the critical control points in manufacturing, working, cooking, cooling, delivery and service of raw materials.
- Thawing of frozen products in compliance with food safety rules.
- To have employees obey the hygiene rules of production and service.
- To pay attention to cleaning and disinfection of production and service equipment.
- To make the employees undergo medical examinations regularly.

Hygiene Controls
- To perform the microbiological control of the water which is used in production.
- To make the analyses of the samples of potable water regularly.
- To make the analyses of the samples of food regularly.
- To make microbial load analyses on the surface (SWAB) regularly.
The Pest Control
- Applying pesticide by the firms consented by the Ministry of Health.
- To inform our customers about the things to do in the process of the pest control.
Cleaning and Disinfection
- To use eco-friendly products for cleaning and disinfection.
- To apply disinfection usage rules for all the products.
- To control the suitability of vehicles for transported products.
- To make regularly the cleaning and disinfection operations of the vehicles that transport food.
Service Hygiene
- To transport foods with termoports to conserve food safety.
- To serve hot meals in double boiler.
- To serve cold food in salad bar.
- To inform employees about service forms regularly.
- To annihilate residual foods.
Food Safety and Hygiene Trainings
- To organize on-the-job trainings for the employees working in food production and service.
- To test the effectiveness of the trainings soon after.
The Environment
- To perform national and international legal obligations.
- To prefer to work with environment conscious suppliers.
- To give environmental consciousness to our personnel with in-company trainings.
- To use eco-friendly products for production, cleaning and disinfection.
- To cooperate with relevant NGO’s to contribute to environmental consciousness.
- To contribute to recycling by decomposing of recycling wastes besides the control of domestic wastes.

Occupational Health and Safety (OHS)
- To employ a OHS specialist in accordance with the legal obligation.
- To organize all the worker health trainings under the law.
- To do corrective and preventive activities with risk assessments.
- To perform emergency drills and improvement works and to record these.
- To record occupational accidents and to take precautions in European standards.
- To perform legality audit semi-annually in compliance with the legal obligation.
- To perform independent audits yearly.
Auditing Quality Systems
Performance Assessment Audits
- The suitability for quality systems standards is controlled, especially of food safety. The annual audit plan is prepared at the beginning of the year. The audits are made in accordance with this plan. The infrastructure, planning, food safety, serving and quality conformance are analysed.
- A detailed analysing is made on the following points by auditors.
The infrastructure, input control, preliminary preparations, cooking and the following controls.
Employees hygiene, production hygiene, dry and cold storage hygiene
The aspects about the service array and service staff
The canteen and cafe infrastructure, purchase, food safety, service hygiene, quality - The audits are recorded with forms and photographs.
The On-site Productions Unit Audit and Performance Form
The Transported Food Areas Unit Audit and Performance Form
The Canteen and Cafe Audit and Performance Form - A date is requested from project officers with the aim of overcoming the deficiencies.
- If needed after the audits, corrective and preventive activities are started and brought continuity.
Communication With Customers
- Direct notices are taken with the number of 444 83 02 and followed by authorized processes. Customers are informed about activities by customer representatives. The customer complaints are dealt one to one.
- If needed, customer representatives talk face to face with the customer.
- Written and oral feedbacks are made.